For great reasonably priced cartridges, try anything
made by Joe Grado (made in Brooklyn by Joe and his
paisans). I use for analog
stuff. I'm spinning a 20+ yr old US made SG-3 with a
(Japanese) Sumiko hi-output moving coil cartridge,
with tubes( more US made conrad johnson and VTL
electronics), all played through modern/antiquated
Martin Logan electrostatics. Try Music Hall or Sumiko
for good "entry level" turntables. Life is too short
for music to sound like crap, and music is on 25 hours
a day around here.
--- Billy Zoom <> wrote:
> There are plenty of good Japanese or Swiss
> turntables available as well as
> phono preamps. All Guitar Centers etc. carry a full
> line of such things. You
> just won't find them at Wall Mart. Good hi-hi phono
> cartridges are getting
> pricey and hard to find though, as most are now
Ron Soave
"It is clear our nation is reliant upon big foreign oil. More and more of our
imports come from overseas." - George W. Bush, Beaverton, Ore., Sep. 25, 2000
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