I won't be able to be there to help.
Is there somewhere I could make a
small donation to the effort?
79 midget
65 midget
On Sun, 06 Nov 2005 10:06:02 -0500, David Lieb <dbl@chicagolandmgclub.com>
> Here are a couple of shots of the intended victim for the SU entry in
> the Babe Rally:
> http://tinyurl.com/9bn7n
> http://tinyurl.com/dpjks
> http://tinyurl.com/7cyot
> http://tinyurl.com/887ku
> Looks like just what the doctor ordered! We will certainly be busy at
> SOS2005!
> First order of business will be upgrading those flintstone floors. Then
> the brakes will come in for some attention (no pedal at all right now).
> There are a number of lighting issues as well as carbs, shocks, top,
> etc, etc, etc!
> Looking at the list of things that we already know that we will need, it
> looks like I will be able to clean out my garage a bit.
> Many thanks to Larry Daniels for his kind loan of this vehicle!
> Also to WST for the use of Dream Farm and SOS2005!
> And the list continues to grow...
> Might as well put PPP in here now for all the parts he will be selling
> us for this project.
> David Lieb
> Team SU
> BabeRally 2006 Your messages not reaching the list?
> Check out http://www.team.net/posting.html
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