I think we've added another 10 Yahoo Messenger viewers to the FlounderVision
list for SOS '05. We'll have worldwide viewership. The camera will again be
on in the coming days as shop organization and technical issues related to
the broadcast will be sorted out. Remote viewers will need to add
<Floundervision> to their Yahoo Messenger buddy list. You'll either ask
permission to view the camera, or be invited by the moderator (my nephew
Nate). This takes place in a conference that we set up. You need to be in
that conference to view the cam, hear the audio, and either speak or type
any questions, comments, or filthy jokes. Those participating at the shop
will hear you through a set of speakers spread around the work area, and
will be able to respond via similarly placed microphones. Since the network
in the shop is wireless, Nate will have the laptop and camera on a rolling
cart so you can get a variety of locations and camera angles throughout the
Larry "Dr. Fine" Daniels came by, and helped build a set of shelves to get
about 25 storage tubs off the floor, to free up more space in the cold
storage side of the Thicko Shop at the Dream Farm. Of course, it'll take all
winter to go through all my spares to get them sorted and inventoried. but,
that's the ultimate goal. No. wait. that's not the ultimate goal. the
ultimate goal is get all my projects cars finished , and use every spare
part I have on them, and end up with bare shelves and finished cars. In
another 10 years I should have that accomplished.
Later in the day yesterday, David Leib and Willy Thompson showed up for a
pre-SOS inspection of Larry's '72 Midget, which I'd suggested might be too
nice too just dismantle & scrap. A closer inspection revealed some Flinstone
floors, and some bondo that looks like it was tossed on it from better than
20'. but, surprisingly, the motor's compression check revealed all even in
the 130 lb range. While Dave sorted out the electrics, Willy gave a hand
with the shelf project. While Larry (a financial planner), and I (
professional sales slime) could have finished the shelf boards, Willy (a
real carpenter) made them pretty.
Since the Midget had no fuel tank, we improvised, and the Midget started
right up, showing 80 lbs cold oil pressure. Amazing. This is a car Larry
paid $150 for, so he's generously offer to let Dave & Wily use it in their
BABE rallye homo club adventure. We'll do some structural steel repairs on
it at SOS. not pretty, but effective. Larry's other car, the Bugeye, will
get a proper set of floor plan and other sheet metal work at SOS. He hopes
to have it stripped in time for SOS so we can really get some serious
progress accomplished.
A reminder for anyone bringing a car to work on at SOS. try to have any
parts you're going to need ahead of time. Peter the Parts Pimp at Worldwide
can rustle up some items late Fri for delivery Sat. to the Dream Farm. but
try to plan ahead, ok?