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Re: Clutch slave cylinder locale

To: Bob Van Kirk <racerbob70@yahoo.com>, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Clutch slave cylinder locale
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 18:34:36 -0800 (PST)
--- Bob Van Kirk <racerbob70@yahoo.com> wrote:
>   First one is best done with the tranny out of the
> car.  Run top bolt all the way into the hole with

If I do these, the neighborhood kids will be deprived
of learning all those really neat cuss words coming
from under the car everytime I do the slave.

Great ideas - Chris "No Show" Ducklow of Team Thicko
suggested similar a few weekends back when I was
staring at the engine and gearbox on the work bench
and moaning about having to do the slave when I got it
back in.  Next time.

Ron Soave

"And another thing.....when I gun the motor, I want the whole world to think 
it's coming to an end." 

- Homer Simpson

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