while i'd tend to disagree on the handling at speed being better in a 1/2
Vs. a 1/4 eliptic car , the 1/2 eliptic is a softer or smoother ride.
both have their own merrits as far as rear axle location and ride . but!
and i do say BUT! if the springs, bushings and related hardware are in
their optimum condition, both styles are just fine for the car's wheel base
and weight. personally i see the 1/4 eliptic rear axle more positivly
located from a performance point of view as it resembles a 4 link rear
suspension's design. the 1/4 style mounting does not suffer from rear axle
"tramp" under hard acelleration or decelleration where depending upon your
level of "abuse" a 1/2 style will. there are ways to modify these two
designs to stiffen or soften the ride and controll body roll and axle tramp.
but evry modification you do amplifies any adjacent inherent weak spot or
worn component.
as delivered they are quite functional. as modified they become very
eficient yet some comforts will be sacrificed as well as a reasonable amount
of time and money!
each owner chooses to restore or modify their cars acording to their
personal tastes. if you want to change your car to another design or
modify it for a difrent style ride or handling i seriously reccomend you
seek fellow enthusiasts near you and ask them to take you for a ride or if
they are of the generous type, allow you to drive their car. why? you
might think you want or need to change your car. after you see and feel
the difence you might not like the end results and a few test drives may
save you a lot of money, time and agrivation! me? i like low and fast!
if you are near eastern pennsylvania i'd be glad to share a 1/4 eliptic ride
with you that would either scare the living daylights out of you or confirm
your thinking you need some sort of change.
. One bug eye
>friend of mine puts it (you learn to anticipate the landing and steer
>the landing). this is not the case with the 1/2 springs. and the ride is a