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Re: Dare we hope?

To: "Evangelos G. Makris" <emakris@hol.gr>
Subject: Re: Dare we hope?
From: James D Rowan <jimrowan@uic.edu>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 10:32:37 -0600 (CST)
Cc: spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
In-reply-to: <348F7D98.6F1E@hol.gr>
Reply-to: James D Rowan <jimrowan@uic.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
On Thu, 11 Dec 1997, Evangelos G. Makris wrote:

> Personally I don't want anything named "Sprite"
> to be made by a ... German.
> That monstrosity of an excuse of a car
> called the "Mini for the year 2000"
> is enough, Mr BMW. Thank you.

My thoughts exactly. To think that the Mini may finally make a return to
our shores only to be sold at BMW dealerships is disgusting. Goes against
everything the car stands and stood for. I'm sure an Dinan "M" edition is
next; the Mini M4 with the optional German tri-color roof. 
The same can be said of the new bug. VW can't even build a "true to
tradtion" Beatle rather a front engined, Jetta powered Seinfield-mobile.
What's next Triumphs at Merc dealers?  :^)

Jim Rowan
60 Sprite

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