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Re: followup on brake fluid

To: Spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: followup on brake fluid
From: Roger Elliott <elliottr@rmi.net>
Date: Wed, 05 Apr 2006 20:05:48 -0500
In the early 1900's Castrol was a lubricant made by Wakefield Oil  from 
Castor Oil the name Castrol was a contraction of that.  I assume the 
company changed the name to Castrol because the product was successful.  
It is no longer made from Castor Oil.  When I was using normal brake 
fluid.  I tried to use Castrol LMA (low moisture activity) when I could 
find it - which was not all of the time. I have now switched to silicone 
brake fluid in my Spitfire and will use it in my GT6 when I get it done.

As others have said, other brake fluid will work.

Roger Elliott
1980 Spitfire

> Thanks for the replies, everyone. My email I sent to Triumphs Only(replied 
>within an hour!) said pretty explicitly to use only GT LMA. The majority of 
>the emails I got was to use Castrol's. 
> I was under the impression LMA was unique to Castrol's fluids. Is it 
>classified as DOT 4? 
> Either way, of all places to buy Castrol's fluid, you can get it on Amazon. 
>Guess it's just not for books anymore. So I'll scrape some dough together, buy 
>several bottles and bleed away. 

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