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Spring Brakes

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Spring Brakes
From: "Nick Moseley" <nmoseley@dccnet.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 23:43:06 -0800
Hi all, traffic is low (hopefully everyone is raising glasses to Joe and the
other birthday boys) so thought I'd share an observation.
Over the last few days, I've removed the pistons from 3 _pairs_ of front
calipers. Even though the rubber seals looked intact, it was a bit shocking to
see how much rust there was on most of the pistons. On one caliper there was
no chrome on almost the whole bottom half of one piston.
Anyone know, is this a result of water getting into the fluid?

If you're going crazy waiting for the driving season, and wondering what to do
in the meantime, unless you have silicon fluid, it may be an idea to change
your brake fluid. Better that than a seized caliper generating heat, cooking
the wheel bearing grease out and then the axle stub. BTDT on another car,
that's why when I noticed the loose rubber seal on this car, it was time to
try a rebuild.

Nick Moseley #278
76-81 Spits
Vancouver B.C.

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