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Re: Weber filters

To: Larry Vaughan <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Subject: Re: Weber filters
From: Michael Porter <portermd@zianet.com>
Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2005 01:04:22 -0600
Larry Vaughan wrote:

>I bought a couple of K&N filters for my 40DCOE carbs. APT recommended 45 DCOE
>filters for 40's with ramstacks / air horns. The backing plate holes allow the
>stack to be inserted but not seated. The collar will not go through the hole.
>Bummer. I just bought a nice drill press. Is there a bit or hole saw or
>anything I can use to take the holes from 1 3/4" to 1 7/8 " . I will probably
>get them off center if I freehand with a grinder. All recommendations
>appreciated. I will no longer comment on the value of freely offered opinions.
>Although, since this is my last chance to critique former opinions I must say
>that DCOE carbs will wear faster if run without air horns. I have one that is
>loose. The throttle body has a nice wear ring. The aux vent has a rounded base
>and a tight spring. I suspect it was ran without an airhorn and vibration did
>it's evil work. Nuff said.
Well, critique away, Larry. No advice from me--it just seems to annoy 
you further. :)

I suppose I'll just have to swallow my thirty years' experience running 
and tuning these carbs for myself and others, throw my library of books 
on these carburetors out the window, and defer to your determinedly 
defended opinions, contrary to fact though those opinions may be.  Good 
luck with this very difficult task of mounting air horns.


Michael D. Porter
Roswell, NM

Never let anyone drive you crazy when you know it's within walking distance....

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