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Re: Leaky gas...again.

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Leaky gas...again.
From: Douglas Braun <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 11:34:20 -0400
> At 07:20 PM 6/14/2004, David Mayer wrote:
> >Well...i just replaced the floats and the float valve needles in my SU's.
> >Everything was fine while the car was running for about 20 minutes.
> >HOwever, at some point during the night, the rear carb started leaking, 
> >from the chamber as well as the front of the carb.  What else could be the 
> >problem here?  The front chamber did not leak at all, but the rear dumped 
> >a hearty amount of gas.  Any thoughts?

Remember that a mostly full gas tank has its fuel level higher than the carbs.
Thus, if a float valve is stuck open, a lot of gas can leak out.
Likewise, a Spit can run (poorly) without any fuel pump at all
if the tank is full.

'72 Spit

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