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Beat me to it

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>, <nass@yahoogroups.com>
Subject: Beat me to it
From: "Livia Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:05:50 -0500
So, I'm cruising around Ottawa,  running some errands, dealing with traffic.
All of a sudden, there it is, on the opposite lane, sitting at a traffic light
in the left lane, right in front of me.
An Mk3 red Spit, black rag top, shiny, cute, all polished up, tiny as can be,
crammed in between two huge SUV's.

My heart is starting to race, instant heart rate increasing to 120, sweaty
palms, love at first, no..... second site, because I've seen this car before.
It's the identical Spitfire as mine, down to the little dent in the chrome.

 I'm staring at it as I'm approaching slowly, holding back the traffic behind
me. I glance at the license plate to make sure, this car isn't actually mine
and hasn't been snatched from her palace while I'm here in the city.
Frantically, I'm rolling down the side window [yes, this is an older Subaru
where you still have to employ muscle power for this task], I'm waving my arm
like an idiot, trying to get the Spit drivers attention. I have everybody
else's, but this man is not looking my way. I blow my horn. Yes, now he's
looking at me, grinning at him from ear to ear, as I'm giving him thumbs up.
I know this fellow, we've met at Triumph Club drive last fall and actually had
lunch together. But, does he recognize me, the blond who turned red
overnight.....I shouldn't have done this silly attempt of looking funny,  the
driver would know me if I looked like myself.
" It's ME, ME, ME, I'm trying to say, our cars are twins, the only two of this
kind in Ottawa". He must think I've lost it. He's looking casually my way. I'm
sure he's had this kind of attention before, I know, I've been

Envious, I drive on, can't hold up 50 cars behind me and appear like "that "
woman driver.............I think of my own little Spit, still sitting in the
garage with a brand new rear suspension. I'll have to test drive to see if the
newly balanced drive shaft is turning smoothly, or if adjustments have to be
made. I vow to seriously get the Spit ready for spring, after all, the 2
meters of snow beside our driveway are slowly melting away. It's time, it's
time, it's that time of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike Verrecchia, if you're reading this, it was you in the car, and I was
trying to get your attention. You beat me to the first drive in


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