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Re: spitfire brakes

To: npenney@mde.state.md.us, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: spitfire brakes
From: "Aaron Johnson" <fpspitfire37@msn.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 14:09:13 -0800
You have heard correct on the X1/9 stuff.  There is some bit of modification 
that need to be done though and it isn't really straight forward.

George.  The easiest brake upgrade is to GT6 components.  You'll need to 
swap the entire front upright, which isn't bad because the bearings are 
slightly larger and the bit in general is beefier.  The rears are easy as 
well, you just need the backing plates and the drums.  You would also 
benefit from switching to the GT6 master cylinder if switching the 4 brakes.

I'll be switching to a rear disc setup at the end of the year.  Probably 
won't be using X1/9 stuff, but I'll let the group know how it goes.

Aaron Johnson
#38 F-Prod Spitfire MkIV - Oregon Region SCCA


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