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RE: More U-joint Frustration

To: "'Jdgar0649@aol.com'" <Jdgar0649@aol.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: More U-joint Frustration
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 08:48:27 -0000

I agree with what has been suggested using a larger socket to receive a cup
being pushed out, and a smaller socket to push on the opposite cup, but I
have found that a large vice is both more effective and less violent than
bashing away with a sledgehammer.

The ultimate is to combine the methods - use a vice to apply as much load as
possible, and if the things still don't move a not-too-large tap with a
hammer can give it the final jerk to break loose.  You need to tap with the
hammer directly on the yoke, so you won't obviously be able to tap in the
direction you are loading it - no matter, all the tap does is introduce a
shock into the situation which can be all you need to get it to break free.

Hope you sort it!

Richard & Daffy

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