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RE: HS4 accelerator cable

To: "'Nolan Penney'" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: HS4 accelerator cable
From: "Craig Smith" <csmith1@awcwire.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 08:42:56 -0500
I installed a set of Su's on my 71 and removed the Stromberg, I went through
all of what yall are talking about.
I went everywhere trying to figure out the cable, then someone mentioned a
bicycle shop.
If you think we are a bit pshyco about our LBC's just go talk to a bicycle
enthusiasts. WOW these folks are IN to there sport.
What I found was a cable made for serous bikers that had Teflon inners,
metal wrap and a Teflon jacket. They make this stuff in many different
lengths and colors. One of the major beanies of the cable was it's expensive
in bicycle circles but Cheap in the LBC world!
So go to a GOOD performance bike shop and show them the old cable and those
folks will match it.
Just don't get them started talking about high end bikes, I actually had to
walk away from this guy telling me about titanium, high end aluminums etc.
Those people are nuts!
But we are quite sane!
What, who was that?
Can yall see me?
I see LBC people!

-----Original Message-----
From: spitfires-owner@autox.team.net [mailto:spitfires-owner@autox.team.net]
On Behalf Of Nolan Penney
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2003 7:43 AM
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: HS4 accelerator cable

I had no problem using the US 1500 ZS cable on my SU's.  It doesn't
matter how far the cable sticks out beyond the sleeve.  Trim it if it
bothers you.

>>> Chris Pappathopoulos <ctpappathopo@students.wisc.edu> 03/16/03
06:04PM >>>
Is there a source in the states for an accelerator cable that will work

with twin SU HS4s? Will a cable from an HS2 equipped car work, or is
linkage different between the two setups? The cable on the car with the

Strombergs will not work becaase the cable sticks out too far past the

outer covering.

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