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RE: Brake lights

To: "'Ken C'" <sdspitfire@sbcglobal.net>,
Subject: RE: Brake lights
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2003 09:58:56 -0000

Every car I've ever owned (incl Spitfire, MG BGT, Vauxhall (British arm of
GM), Volvo, Proton, Citroen, Audi, Suzuki, Ford, Fiat) has had brake lights
that only operate with the ignition on.  Maybe what's normal in Europe is
different to what's normal in the US.  I have owned 2 cars in the US (when
on 3-month working holidays), but I can't honestly say if I ever checked
whether the brake lights operated without the ignition on...

Richard & Daffy

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