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replacing top

To: "spitfire maillist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: replacing top
From: "Jack" <jkagy@bpsom.com>
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 07:53:01 -0500
My wife an I replaced the top on our '78 a couple of years ago.  We got it too
tight.  It was before I was aware of this list and the advice it offers.
Consequently, many of the snaps on the body pulled loose. (I had had to
replace them w/ a pop rivet tool and may not have done a real good job.)  So
don't get it too tight.
I saw a tip on the list a couple of weeks ago that suggested using some kind
of non-permanent glue to attach the top to the header rail temporarily.  Then
adjust the tension, mark it, and you will know where you're at.  I wish we had
thought of that.  We are now considering whether to drill out the pop rivets
on the header rail and try to let out a little of the top or bite the bullet
and get a new top.


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