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RE: Headlight Switch

To: "'Michael Hargreave Mawson'" <OC@46thFoot.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Headlight Switch
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 10:12:59 -0000

Daffy, who as you know is identical to Carly (well, at least she was when
built ;-)), has a switch as you describe your original to be - single logo
in the middle (barely visible), three-position switch.

I have a spare dash sitting in my workshop attic, which is of a similar
vintage (from that scrap windscreen frame I picked up from TRGB before I
moved North) - if I remember I'll take a look and see if there is a spare
switch of the correct style on there.

Failing that, I'm not too fussy about originality myself, so I'd be quite
happy to swap my original switch with your one with the two logos, if you


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