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Re: Headlight Switch

To: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>
Subject: Re: Headlight Switch
From: Joe Curry <Spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2003 16:16:54 -0700
Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jan 2003, at around 14:31:04 local time, Joe Curry
> <Spitlist@gte.net> wrote:
> >Michael,
> >I am curious about this Spitfire 1500.  The number you specify begins
> >with FM suggesting it is a US market car.  However, you did not specify
> >a suffix, which all US market cars have.  It is usually a U but could
> >have a C or O or both added depending if it was a California car and/or
> >has overdrive.
> >
> >I have never heard of a Right Hand Drive US Spec Spitfire 1500.  So
> >please tell me more about this car.
> Dear Joe,
> Apologies for typing error.   Please read FH105671...

Ah Ha!  That makes a difference.  In that case, never mind!  :)


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