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rear brake lines

To: "spitfire maillist" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: rear brake lines
From: "Jack" <jkagy@bpsom.com>
Date: Sun, 5 Jan 2003 11:18:18 -0500
I got motivated today to brave some freezing temps and start reassembling the
brake lines on my '78 Spitfire.  I discovered that the Haynes manual doesn't
show the tube that extends between the flexible hose and the RR back plate.
The tube was there before and broke so I need to replace it.  It is
illustrated in the catalogs I have but is not named.  Haynes just shows the
flexible hose attaching directly to the backplate.  The tube is a foot long
and must be bent to resemble a "J".  The flexible hose attaches to the end at
the lower part of the J and the upper end of the J attaches to the back plate.
The "J" tube is present on the other side.  I have a replacement I will have
to bend to shape and I imagine I need it.  I'm curious, tho, about what's
going on here.


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