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RE: Altermator light on dimly

To: "'Greg Rowe '" <growe58@hotmail.com>,
Subject: RE: Altermator light on dimly
From: Bobby Bloyed <bobbyb@blbelectronics.com>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2002 13:09:16 -0800
I just had problems with this on my 1976 spitfire.  I replaced the
alternator about 8 months ago(had a bad rectifier the diodes were open).
Sometime there after I found that under different situations the light would
be on dimmly.  I removed the alternator and had it tested.  It tested ok.
In the vehicle the charging voltage was about 13.0 vdc on the battery.  Last
weekend I decided to check out the entire system to see if there were any
problems.  I checked the alternator connections and I found that I had 12
volts on the monitor lead(small brown wire) and 12 volts the charging
lead(Large Brown Wire).  The other wire  brown with a yellow stripe connects
to the alternator light.  I found that I had about .1 to 2 volts on that
line.  This should have 0 volts when you start the vehicle and be the
charging voltage when the alternator is charging.  I proceeded to disconnect
the connector from the alternator.  At that point I found that I had 0 volts
when the ignition was on and the connector was disconnected from the back of
the alternator.  Also with the connector disconnected the lamp on the dash
was lit(This is Wrong!).  I was going to check the lamp to see if the
plastic holder was broken and that was when I found the problem.
Evidentally in the past some work was done on the back of the dash.  A local
ground wire was evidentally disconnected at some point and allowed to dangle
behind the speedometer.  As it would touch the outside housing of the IGN
lamp it would short out the line causing the light to glow or illuminate.
Once I reconnected this wire to the proper ground point the IGN lamp went
out.  I reconnected the alternator and checked the charging voltage.  It was
about 13.6vdc.  Problem solved.  Maybe this will help someone else out. 

Thanks Bobby.

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Rowe
To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Sent: 11/10/02 5:52 PM
Subject: Re: Altermator light on dimly

Thanks to all that responded, you've given me some additional
avenues to explore.  I'll let you know how it works out.
However, first I have to sort out the ignition switch that fell
apart yesterday B-(

Just to clarify about some questions that were asked:

1)  The light glows dimly regardless of engine speed, e.g. not
just at idle.

2)  I don't think it's "light bleed" from speedo illumination
since it pulsates in time with the turn signals.

Thanks again!

Greg Rowe

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