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Re: Problems, problems...

To: Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Problems, problems...
From: Douglas Braun <doug@dougbraun.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2002 14:23:07 -0500
At 06:05 PM 11/5/02 +0000, Michael Hargreave Mawson wrote:

>Problem 1.
>There is a very loud BRRRRRRRRRRR noise from under the bonnet (on a 
>descending note) when decelerating through 4000 rpm.   It starts when 
>the engine speed drops to about 4000 rpm and has gone by the time it 
>reaches about 3900 rpm. 

When I have driven my car with the transmission tunnel cover removed,
I have heard the same sort of thing:  A loud, funny rattling noise only
during overrun in a narrow RPM range.  I could never figure out
what it was.  When the tunnel cover installed, it is almost
impossible to hear. 

Anyway, you're not alone...

>Problem 2.
>Having left Crete in a temperature of around 87F yesterday afternoon, 
>and collected my car at Gatwick Airport in a temperature of around 35F 
>last night, I drove for a while with the windows shut.   The car stinks 
>of petrol, even an hour after the choke has been pushed in.   I hadn't 
>noticed this previously - but then I've never driven the car with a 
>hard-top on and the windows wound up before.   Fuel consumption seems to 
>be good, so I don't suspect a large leak anywhere.   What else should I 
>be looking at?   Breather pipes?

I started getting a gas smell, and it turned out to be a crack in the
gas tank.  It was about 4 inches long, horizontal, right in
the middle of the rear surface.  It was almost invisible, except that
there was a slimy film of dried gasoline residue beneath it.
I took the tank to a radiator shop, and they soldered a patch over
the crack.

Time to pull off the panels on the front and back of the gas tank
and have a careful look.  Also check carefully the line from
the tank.  Between the tank itself and the main pipe that
runs along the chassis rail, there are about 6 joints and bits
of rubber hose.

Doug Braun
'72 Spit

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