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Re: Rebuild engine or replace starter?

To: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Rebuild engine or replace starter?
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 18:17:43 -0700
Okay, that's resolved.

Went out and grabbed a spare starter I had laying about, swapped end plates 
with the brushes (it was in the junk pile because it had developed a 
serious short in the end plate) with the suspect starter and tried it 
out.  It spun much faster.  It's definately a stronger unit.  Looks like 
I'll have to clean up that starter as well and paint it before installation.

Still the engine was exceedingly hard to turn even with a pipe 
wrench.  That shouldn't be, especially with the spark plugs pulled.  I kept 
at it, hitting the starter once in a while and seeing it spin a bit 
faster.  I wonder....  the engine had been turned upside down a few times 
on the engine stand for cleaning and painting.  I wonder if the oil in the 
bearing journals drained out and hasn't been refilled yet since I haven't 
been able to build enough oil pressure to feed those galleries yet.

I kept hand turning the crank with a pipe wrench and hitting the 
starter.  After a few minutes of this and thinking that I'm looking at a 
bottom end rebuild for sure, the thing spun free.  Huh.  Obviously only in 
one part of the rotation.  Kept at it and hit the next hard spot.  Gave it 
a bump and it spun free.  Hmm.  Are we getting oil to those journals now, 
perhaps?  Let's hit the starter.


Very good!  Now it's spinning much faster and I can feel air being pushed 
out the spark plug holes.  Grab the fan belt and sure enough, the engine is 
now very free turning.  No trouble.  Hit the starter and it spins very nice 
and fast like it should.

Had me very worried I was going to be rebuilding the engine sooner than 

Of course now I have to redo all that I undid- put the tranny back in, 
drive shaft, radiator, etc.  I don't mind that task at all now.  I think 
I'll keep testing that starter several times during the reassembly to make 
sure this dream bubble doesn't burst!

-Vegaman Dan
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
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