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Rebuild engine or replace starter?

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Rebuild engine or replace starter?
From: Dan Canaan <flinters@picarefy.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 16:31:36 -0700
Engine: 1300
Status: Assembled and mounted in chassis

Symptom: Slow rotation with starter

Situation: Engine was running when shut down a year ago.  Every couple of 
months it would have a bit of oil put down the cylinders and the engine 
hand turned to keep the rings and bearings from sticking.  Now the engine 
is painted, fully assembled with the accessories and mounted in the 
chassis.  Attached a transmission and had the drive train complete.  Tried 
to crank the engine over with the battery and it drained the battery almost 
immediately.  Okay, it's a dodgy battery.  Charged it.  Same 
problem.  Decided to try using jumper cables from a running vehicle to do 
the same thing.  Removed the spark plugs so there is zero compression or 
resistance- or should be.  Jumped it, starter did crank over for a second 
or so slowly then died.  Further attempts just get sparks at the terminal.

With the plugs out, I can turn the crank pully with a pipe wrench.  It's 
not easy, but it does turn smoothly.  No hitches or binding in rotation.  I 
can't imagine the engine seized up just sitting there, especially with the 
maintenance that has been done.  Engine had high compression (155 psi on 
three cylinders, 150 on the other) so I expect it had been rebuilt fairly 
recently in its lifetime.  I far more expect the starter itself is 
dodgy.  I've bench tested the starter and it does spin freely- though with 
not great enthusiasm.  I'm used to Chevy 350's with starters that have 
enough torque to tear your arm off.  These Lucas starters.... they seem a 
bit wimpy.  I have another starter core in the pile I should consider 
swapping parts with, I suppose.   Seems to me the starters should spin in a 
snappy manner, not like an anemic heater fan.

-Vegaman Dan
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof.  All content is 
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