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Steering wheel - front end question

To: spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Steering wheel - front end question
From: "Mike Chmura" <m.chmura@umassp.edu>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 10:15:45 -0400
Hi everyone,

I'm not having a problem, or least I don't think so yet, but I would
just like to get some feedback from other spit owners on this issue.
This question is directed at later model spit owners.  I have a 1978.

Question:  when the front wheels are pointed straight ahead, should the
steering wheel have it's horizontal spokes level?   When my car is in
that position (front wheels straight ahead)  my steering wheel is cocked
to one side about 20 degrees or so.  Is this situation normal or could
it be that someone put the steering wheel on in-correctly?   Is this a
bad thing that should be corrected quickly?

Thx in advance for the info.

mike chmura

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