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Re: broken again...

To: John Hobson <goalie_john@yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Re: broken again...
From: "Dr T. Dafforn" <td214@cus.cam.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 15:21:24 +0100 (BST)
Swapping heads isn't too bad a job, so long as you can get the heads off!
You need to drain the coolant system, and fit a new head gasket of course.
It is probably a good idea to do it so you can have a look at the damage
As to double and single springs, it was my spit that has the single
(dolly) head. I will be changing ASAP.

                        Department of Haematology
                        University of Cambridge
                        MRC Centre
                        Hills Road
                        CB4 2QH
                        Tel. 44+ 1223 336829
                        Fax. 44+ 1223 336827

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