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Re: Weber carbs

To: Ronny Hortlund <ronny.hortlund@allset.se>
Subject: Re: Weber carbs
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 07:18:03 -0700
Ronny Hortlund wrote:
> I heard from a weber shop that if you have 4 inlets to the engine you have
> to have 2 weber 40DCOE.
> But I've seen the weber comparison between 1x45DCOE and 2x40DCOE (just don't
> remember where I saw it).
> So what happens if I put a single carb on it, will it run incredible bad?

Two distinct possibilities come to mind, both caused by the design of the 
manifold for a single DCOE application on a 1300/1500 head.

If you get the outside two cylinders tuned correctly, the inside two will run 
rich because the tubes to the outside ports will me much longer than the
inner ones.  The result is washing down the walls of the inside 2 cylinders 
and/or fouling the plugs.

If you adjust the inside 2 cylinders properly, the outside two will run lean 
and therefor burn valves and plugs.

Neither are very satisfactory.


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