Hello spitted ones,
I'm testing the 67 Spit. The engine is running too hot for my liking,
and this in rather cool weather of 45 F. here in Ontario. The temp.
gauge is hanging between the 3/4 and the red setting, with the
temperature increasing when I'm driving at 4500 rpm. We have two fans
installed, one auxiliary, one electric, the latter has it's own switch.
We have the original radiator [at least we assume we do], which is the
Coventry Motor Fillmas No. R 45853.
I am questioning the efficiency of the old, but in decent shape,
radiator. Would you advise a] changing to a larger, newer radiator or,
b] having the radiator flushed to clean out any existing debris, which
may have accumulated in the rad over the years, c] don't exchange, the
rad is fine.
The carburetors seem to be adjusted OK. I'm not sure if they would be
the cause of the high temperature by running either too rich or too
lean. We are still in the driving and testing stage, as we've only
driven the Spit for some 250 miles since it's "debut" after the
Any opinions on this are appreciated.
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