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Window Winder pins removal

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Window Winder pins removal
From: "^~ beancounter ^~" <richard@bonilla.com>
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 14:31:56 -0700
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Templeton" <davidt@opentext.com>
To: <andrer@mac.com>; <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Sent: Saturday, April 06, 2002 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Window Winder pins removal

> Hi all,
> I just did this task last Sunday and forgot to respond. I had bought a
> removal tool for my truck, you know the kind, it looks like a screwdriver
> with a forked tip. You are supposed to use it to put around the panel pins
> to pull them out of the door.
> Well, I thought this was going to be one of those buy and use once tools
> the toolbox. :-) Like we all don't have those.
> It proved to be invaluable for pulling the spit door apart, especially the
> window winder. Just use it to pry the plastic ring back and I used a long
> 1/16" allen key and it all came apart in about 10 seconds.  Putting it
> together was the same way but used needle nosed pliers the put the pin in.
> It also helped with the panel pins so I didn't destroy the panel.
> Just 2cents
> David A. Templeton
> '74 Spitfire - drivers door now works
> '59 TR3a

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