In article <>, writes
>Hi folks, I have noticed that someone considered this one of his most
>frustratinmg jobs, this is what I read in
>> For the window winders I've found that a welding rod (3/32" - 1/8") works
>> well to push the old pin out. During reassembly use the same rod, score it
>> with a hacksaw about a 1/2" from one end. after pushing the rod into the
>> crank hole, break it off at the score mark. No hunting for old pins and it
>> makes the job of removal or reassembly a cinch!
Maybe it is because I have done it so often, but I never have any
problem with these pins. To remove, simply pull back the plastic
escutcheon, wind the handle so the pin is aligned vertically, and wiggle
the handle, cupping your spare hand underneath to catch the pin as it
falls. To replace, grasp pin in needle-nosed pliers, and push in.
(Actually, I've got so practised at this now that I can do it with my
finger tips...)
Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"
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