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Re: Window Winder pins removal

To: tom.omalley@verizon.net
Subject: Re: Window Winder pins removal
From: gary durham <gjdurham@juno.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 16:47:56 -0600

Finally!  : )
I have always used a curved and /or straight pair of slender Hemostats
(sp?).  You know, the 'surgical clamps' for blood vessals?  Anyway,
they're cheap as far as 'specialy' tools go, and are only about 1/3 the
diameter of needle nose pliers.  Neat thing with these, is that they
actually 'clamp' the pin, holding it steady, which allows you to then
thread it like a needle.

As for the door panal, I just use a rubber coated pair of pliers.  That
is, the 'curve' of one handle nicely 'wedges' the panal from the plastic
disc, compressing the spring.

Ergo!  Piece of cake!  (well, after a dozen or two times through the
years, anyway :)


> Ah!  But will this work if you've installed the tension spring?  I
> confess my spit still goes without because the spring is so 
> difficult
> to compress.  I may have created a problem for myself in that I've
> replaced the original backing board with tempered hardboard.
> It's pretty stiff.  Do other spit owners manage to get the spring,
> spacer and handle all back together without gouging things up?
> Cheers!
> Tom O'Malley

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