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Re: FW: Help with slipping O/D

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: FW: Help with slipping O/D
From: "Nolan Penney" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 11:20:04 -0500
Yes, I've read the warnings from him about the high GL spec oils in the
rear end as well.  Interestingly, it's exactly the opposite with my Fiat
124.  The Fiat transmission synchro's dissolve (supposedly), while the
rear end shims have no problem.  

I've no direct experience or observable data to support or refute
either claim.  Though with the Fiat transmission problem, I've seen a
number of direct complaint posts on the problem, as opposed to the "I've
heard" type posts I usually see from Triumph owners.

Regardless, it would be wise to seek out the proper GL spec oil for the
transmission and rear end.  

>>> gary durham <gjdurham@juno.com> 04/05/02 10:50AM >>>

Thanks for the info.  Recently I read a comment by Mr. John Kipping
virtually 'speaking' of this.  Must have been on the NASS site where
hangs out.  Anyway, he had stated that, while this info is correct, it
would not effect the synchro's in the gearbox in any way, but rather,
must NOT use it in the dif.  If I read him correctly, he states (in
essence) that it's fine for the gearbox, but not in the dif.

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