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Ram Stacks

To: "Spitfires" <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Ram Stacks
From: "Larry Vaughan" <lvaughan@pldi.net>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 20:28:48 -0600
 I have two 40dcoe2's. I had two 39mm airhorns, so I ordered two more, from
APT. As I was looking through their catalog, that came with the airhorns, I
see they recommend 16mm airhorns and 1.5 inches,from the stack to the outer
air filter plate.
 The single 40dcoe18, with 39mm stacks and only a quarter inch or so space
from the outer air filter plate ran real good till the clutch quit working.
 Any one have airhorn-ramstack opinions.
 I found a machine shop nearby that can do the stuff TSI recommends for a
9to1 CR, fast road cam, two weber 1500.
 I hope I have enough Money!
77' Spit
73' Spit

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