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brake fluid LONG

To: "spitfires" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: brake fluid LONG
From: "Fred Thomas" <vafred@erols.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 06:12:46 -0500
This subject comes up every 6/8 months, seems opinions about what 3/4/5 will &
will not do, and what you have to do to use each of them is just
that=opinions= not fact !!!

# 1 It is best to flush your system but you really only have to open the drain
plugs and fill your resovoir with silicone  and just pump away until nothing
but silicone comes out, it does mix, it does not destroy rubber, you do not
have to replace all rubber parts, this is not a major operation, open the
parts book from "Racetorations" this is exactly what they tell you to do. It's
your car so do it how you want too, but this is not fact about flushing and
replacing all rubber. The brake system in my T/R 3 is now 10 years old, every
part is as it was 10 years ago, the complete brake system in my 78 Spit is
100% original, yes 100% right down to the original linings. Now this is just
my opinion & .0002 wrth "FT"

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