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RE: rust removal / rust prevention

To: "'Bob Greene'" <rgreene@whoi.edu>
Subject: RE: rust removal / rust prevention
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:25:25 -0000
Well, if other Troopers of a similar age do rust, then I guess they are not
protected, in which case maybe this thing does work.  My scepticism largely
arises from the fact that I've never heard of this device before, but it
seems it is better known in the States than here in the UK.

So, the theory seems believable (at least what I can remember from Physics
and Chemistry A-levels and an engineering degree have not enabled me to find
an obvious flaw), and we've a couple of satisfied customers in the group
(and no unsatisfied ones, at least not yet).

Next question - where do I get one (preferably in the UK)?  And how much is
it?  If I do get one I may well run an experiment (the innate
engineer/scientist in me) - leave two bits of bare metal outside in the
Aberdeenshire rain for a month or two, with the device connected to one, and
see what happens.

Richard & Daffy

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