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RE: Mind if I join the fun?

To: "'Marc Anger'" <marcanger@mac.com>, spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: RE: Mind if I join the fun?
From: Richard Gosling <richard.gosling@exprogroup.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 11:04:25 -0000
Welcome, Marc, I believe you may be our first French friend on this group
(although there are some French Canadians, although that's not quite the
same thing!).

Good luck with your impending purchase, I hope it all goes through smoothly,
and you don't find TOO many little hidden niggles you weren't expecting as
you start to get to know your car a little better!  To say that I hope there
aren't any would be asking too much...

Feel absolutely free to ask as many, and whatever, questions you want.
There's a wide range of experience in this group, there are many who are as
inexperienced as you, or more, and some whose knowledge is, frankly, beyond
obsessive (but we love them for that!).  The more experienced guys who
answer more than they ask are here because they WANT to answer your
questions, so you never need hold back.  The only stupid question is the one
you end up kicking yourself about when you realised you should have asked
it, but didn't.

You will love your Spitfire.  They are just about the easiest car ever
created to work on, so there is little that can't be tackled even by a
mechanical novice, you just need the confidence to go for it and the back-up
of a bunch of people like us!

As for the Ziebarting, I recognise the name but don't know a lot about it,
so I'll let someone else deal with that query!

Good luck!

Richard and Daffy (Inca yellow '78 Spit 1500)

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