I do my homework every day, and read the posts on the list very carefully, for I
need to learn a lot with my newly acquired job of a spitfire restoration.
It's from the e-mails on this list, that I have learned about your love for "the
blinking lights and everything that beeps". This was commented on, while you
on your way back to the home land, when people were talking behind your back.
listers voiced concerns regarding the safety of the aircraft and all the
passengers in it. This is probably due to the fact that you are a Spit owner,
the rest of us. Therefore people have good reason to be worried.
During the course of my studies on automotive topics on this list, I have come
across some rather interesting discoveries that I simply couldn't keep from my
comrades. I therefore, in the lonely hours of the night, felt compelled to write
these ideas down to share with the list, because I care about the welfare of
Spitfire owners.
However, all this information that had come across my desk, is public knowledge,
and has probably already been entered in the NAAS archives for further research.
I did not need to spy on people to aquire this knowledge, it was freely given by
the people themselves. I simply warned the listers not to give out too much of
their private information, for there is always the possibility, someone may be
keeping a record of a listers weight, height, age or maybe even laundry skills.
For instance, the fact that you lost 50 pounds of your body weight within a
years' time could really be used against you. And, you already admitted, that
may not be the truth. It's a risky statement that may not stand up in a court of
law. [ Am I right here D.C.?]
I hope that this will answer all the questions on this subject.
If I can be of further assistance, please contact me at the above address.
67 Spit
Your always reliable source of LBC information
BTW Dean, was that 5'10 and 200 pounds? That's big.........
And, how's Christine doing? See what I mean?
Dean Dashwood wrote:
> Thanks for the warning, Liv - although with your rundown of personal details
> of just about every list member, I can't help wondering if it's *you* who's
> the spy here! But I have to admit, I'm a little confused as to why I can't be
> trusted with blinking lights. Of course, my friends will tell you not to
> trust me with *anything* - but why single out blinking lights???
> Anyway, I'm 5'10", was around 250 pounds this time last year, although now
> slimmed down to a slightly less big 200 pounds. But am I telling the
> truth???
> Dean
> --------------------
> Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 20:59:03 -0500
> From: "Fred Thomas" <>
> Subject: how big
> I have a very interesting question, please would you larger size folks
> driving
> these LBC's, post your actual height & weight, just very curious. Thanks
> "FT"
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