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Mallory unilite distributor

To: "Spitfire" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Mallory unilite distributor
From: "Huw Upshall" <hupshall@triumphcars.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 23:08:00 -0800
Hey, is there a Mallory unilite distributor (with mechanical advance - no
vacuum) that will work for the spitfire 1500?  Anybody got a model number?

Also, What TR6 wheel studs (front or back) work with the spitfire?



 Huw Upshall
                               home: hupshall@triumphcars.com
                               work: hupshall@microsoft.com

                        http:        www.triumphcars.com

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