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Re: automatic = kinda long=

To: Fred Thomas <vafred@erols.com>, spitfires <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: automatic = kinda long=
From: "Livia I. Haasper" <wilivhaasper@sympatico.ca>
Date: Sat, 09 Feb 2002 16:12:36 -0500
this is so well said. I'm 53 going on 20. I think I'll never grow up
Our son is 26, he cleans his apartment during his 2- week vacation, while Wilf 
I are out in a pup tent camping on some remote island or exploring some wild 
in the north by canoe. Now it's this car restoration..
Let's just have fun while we still can.

"Livia I. Haasper" wrote:

> Fred,
> this is so well said. I'm 53 going on 20. I think I'll never grow up
> Our son is 26, he cleans his apartment during his 2- week vacation, while 
>Wilf and
> I are out in a pup tent camping on some remote island or exploring some wild 
> in the north by canoe. Now it's this car restoration..
> Let's just have fun while we still can.
> Cheers,Liv
> Fred Thomas wrote:
> > Well, here's my added .0002,== I'm only 68 years old now, only "drove" 12, 
> > miles in the T/R 3 last year, a little over 4,000 miles in the Spitfire, 
> > 3,000 miles in the 1931 Model "A", and a few in the 55 T-Bird, don't give a
> > damn about age, enjoy every single mile I drive, and shift each and every 
> > of those miles with a big smile on my face, now how many of you out there 
> > tell me you drove more miles than that in your cars, age is nothing more 
> > a figment of your imagination, a number you write down anytime you want to
> > have another big laugh, life sure does'nt get much better than this.  "FT"

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