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RE: Engine cutting out

To: "'Tod Jones'" <todjones@rica.net>,
Subject: RE: Engine cutting out
From: "Will Slater" <slaterw@bluffton.edu>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 17:49:20 -0500
Thanks. I had wondered about that. I will see how this tune up goes and then
give serious thought to the change over. How easy will the conversion to the
Spit 6 be?  Does it involve a lot of other changes like to the transmission
and rear end? I have wondered what the most common and easiest engine swaps
are. It would be nice to have the additional power. I have an engine from a
parts car of unknown quality. It is from a '76 Spit and I have been mulling
over whether to rebuild that engine with some performance parts or to do an
engine swap.  The rebuild looks at least initially to be costly enough to
make other swaps a viable option. Are there web sites or other resources
that summarize common engine swaps and the modifications necessary for them?

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