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Re: TTN Team Membership Drive Underway

To: "Terry Thompson" <firespiter@yahoo.com>, <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: TTN Team Membership Drive Underway
From: "Jeff McNeal" <jmcneal@ohms.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 17:42:22 -0800
Uh, I apologize to everyone who is NOT a member of the Totally Triumph Network
who received a copy of the letter distributed by me for the members of that
resource ONLY.  Why Brad Richardson chose to redistribute that to other lists
is beyond me and not something that I am at all comfortable with or endorse.
He has since apologized and said that he doesn't know how it happened...

I would appreciate it if the discussion regarding this topic be remanded back
to the TTN where it belongs.  Again, my apologies for the intrusion to this
list, NASS and wherever else it was inadvertnently distributed.


  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Terry Thompson
  To: spitfires@autox.team.net
  Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2001 4:33 PM
  Subject: Re: TTN Team Membership Drive Underway

  The free sites are fine if:
  1) you don't mind the space and extra time to load the
  banners that they put on your page.
  2) You don't want a dedicated URL domain
  rather than "spitfires.com").
  3) You have less than 10 megs of items to put on it
  (that's under 60 640x480 images, 300 pages of html
  text or any combination there-of). If you're hosting
  archived messages (such as this email list, you'd use
  up that 10 megs in about....oh...2 weeks.
  4) You must have less than 500 megs of down-loaded
  data per month. So, if you only have 5-10 people using
  the page a day, then you're fine. (If you go over the
  alotted amount, they turn-off the DNS pointer to your
  site for the remainder of the month).

  You can get rid of problems 1 & 2 and increase your
  space and download alottment with a few deneiro
  ($10/mo. +), but that sort of defeats the "free site

  And if you want a further logistics of maintaining a
  site I'm sure there are many who could chime in.
  Running a host web site (and an email list for that
  matter) is a lot different than sticking your family
  vacation photos on a static web page.

  Like a Triumph. The host pages need "stuff" to keep
  them going. Mostly though....free time.

  Find a job, post your resume.

///  spitfires@autox.team.net mailing list
///  or try  http://www.team.net/cgi-bin/majorcool

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