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Re: TTN Team Membership Drive Underway

To: spitster@totallytriumph.net, spitfires@autox.team.net,
Subject: Re: TTN Team Membership Drive Underway
From: Bradley D Richardson <bradrichardson@juno.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2001 10:15:43 -0800

I understand the need to do this, you shouldn't have to cover the
expenses by yourself.

Question tho.  Have you searched into some of the free web-sites
available?  My kids have several, and they pay nothing for them.



On Fri, 2 Nov 2001 10:41:47 -0800 spitster@totallytriumph.net writes:
> Dear Totally Triumph Network Member,
> I'm extremely reluctant to be doing this, but after a full year and 
> two months of subsidizing the TTN wholly out of my own personal 
> funds, with no signs of support whatsoever from vendors who sell 
> Triumph parts, I am considering enabing a VOLUNTARY membership fee 
> to help keep the TTN going and enable further expansion.  When I 
> began this site for our friendly, flame-free, on-topic, illustrated 
> and organized Triumph discussions, I envisioned it being supported 
> by the vendors who make their living selling Triumph related items 
> to us via very affordable banner advertising.  At least, that was 
> the plan.  I was certain that it would be viable, but the vendors 
> quite frankly, have truly disappointed me.  
> The last thing I want to do is beg for money or look for handouts.  
> I truly detest that sort of thing.  For me to ask for your financial 
> support, it has to be a win/win as far as I'm concerned, since I 
> fancy myself as never one to ask anyone for anything without 
> offering something of value in return.  In other words, I need to 
> feel as though I'm offering you MORE than what I'm asking in return. 
> So here is my proposal:
> A $30 annual membership fee (or roughly 8 cents a day), which would 
> entitle you to the following:
> 1. An immediate upgrade of your forum status.  You'll receive a  
> special "golden key" icon next to your name on all forum posts 
> (retroactive), denoting your special "TTN Team" membership status as 
> a very special member and supporter of this site with special 
> restricted access privilidges unavailable to regular members.
> 2. Full access to restricted forum areas on this site not available 
> to the general public or regular non-supporting members (still under 
> development, but the new Theft Prevention & Recovery forum might be 
> a possible canditate to start with).  If there's enough support for 
> the idea, I might also begin limiting additional specific forums and 
> their respective archives to Team Members only, while retaining 
> general forum areas for regular non-supporting member use.
> 3. FREE, unlimited, private party Photo Classified Ad postings 
> (currenty $1-$5 for sale postings)
> 4. Special gift certificates and regular prize drawings for TTN Team 
> members only.
> So, how would your $2.50 per month membership fee be allocated?
> 1. Towards the ongoing monthly dedicated server fees and costs of 
> maintaining the server.
> 2. Towards the purchase and installation of badly needed additional 
> hard drive storage and other upgrades for the server so that the 
> archives and your ability to upload graphics to the site can be 
> maintained indefinitely.  I'll also look to improve server speed.
> 3. Towards the purchase and installation of even more enhancements 
> and fun features to the TTN, expanding the interactivity, enjoyment 
> and value of the site for all members.
> 4. Any surplus (if any -- depends on the level of Team member 
> enlistment) would be allocated to a special prize fund for the 
> purchase of goodies to be awarded to TTN Team members ONLY, and to 
> pay for the shipping of said prizes.  Again, depending on the level 
> of participation, this might include everything from books & 
> manuals, shop tools, NOS Triumph parts, etc.  
> I realize that this might be an impossible dream, because the 
> natural inclination is to "let someone else" lend a hand when it 
> comes to money out of your pocket.  But by uniquely identifying TTN 
> Team members with a special icon, I'm hoping that those sitting on 
> the fence will realize that 8 cents a day is a mere pittance when 
> weighed against the initial (and growing) advantages of Team 
> membership, let alone the use of the TTN in general.
> So how would you pay?  For your convenience, I can accept payment 
> directly via Visa or MasterCard via e-mail.  Alternately, you can 
> mail a check.  I'll even provide a special toll-free telephone 
> number to call with your credit card and mailing address info if you 
> feel uncomfortable e-mailing it.  I would request that TTN members 
> residing outside the U.S. to kindly refrain from using the toll free 
> number, however, since my paying for your overseas call will greatly 
> offset any financial support of your membership.
> I'm not asking for any committments today, but be on the lookout for 
> banners announcing TTN Team Membership on the TTN soon.  I hope I 
> can count on your support.  If not, no hard feelings.  I apologize 
> in advance to anyone who might be offended by this request for 
> support, and humbly thank those generous souls who are already 
> reaching for their wallets.  As I said, this Team membership drive 
> is voluntary and in my view, a win/win for all concerned.  If you 
> feel that the quality of information contained on the TTN is worth 8 
> cents a day to you, I'd certainly appreciate your thoughtful 
> consideration of becoming a Team member.  Onward and upward.
> Best wishes,
> Jeff McNeal
> Founder & Administrator
> The Totally Triumph Network
> www.TotallyTriumph.net
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