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Re: Self evaluation

To: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>,
Subject: Re: Self evaluation
From: "John and Chris" <peacox1@bellsouth.net>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 23:36:36 -0400
I heard a term today that I had not heard before.  "FEMENISED"  I think
Jason has become exactly that.

I may not like all that the US does with its foreign policies, but no-one
can say that we are not there to help when others need it.  No-one seems to
complain about that!

I had written a very long, angry post, but I deleted most of it.  Suffice it
to say WE ARE ANGRY!!!  Sad, well of course, but everytime I see another
family on the TV that will never see their Daddy, or Mommy again, first I
fight the tears back, but then it just angers me again.

I heard that the US national anthem was heard during the "Changing Of the
Guard" .  My eyes began to leak when I heard this.

Thanks to all those countries that are in support of us here in America.
Hopefully you will all not only stand behind us through this, but maybe get
out in front sometimes too.

John in Florida with strong ties to NY and NJ

PS thanks to all for not pulling the "move this to another list" crap.  I
think that even though it is not Spitfire related, it can still be heard and
debated here.  It is not hurting anyone.  In fact it makes me feel pretty
damn good to read all these posts(well most of them).

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