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Re: Self evaluation

To: "Bowen, Patrick" <pbowen@intellinetics.com>
Subject: Re: Self evaluation
From: Howard Allen <Howard.Allen@fairchildsemi.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 09:25:52 -0400
Thanks for sharing the Canadian comments.  One thing for sure, this act
of terrorism on American soil has brought sober-thinking, thoughtful
people together from all over the world.

I have seen very encouraging emails from Britain, Russia, Germany,
Japan, Australia, Canada, France, Israel, Belgium, all pledging support
and expressing sympathy.  As an American it truly touches me and brings
tears to my eyes to know that the people of these nations are so
concerned.  It encourage me also to think that the unity of world
opinion is the trues t act of condemnation against these cowards. 
Friends, we will prevail and justice will be served.

Howard in Maine

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