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Re: Fuel economy in a Spit.

To: <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Fuel economy in a Spit.
From: "Ken St.John at Twangdemonium" <stjohnkj@twangdemonium.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 13:08:38 -0700
There has been so much E-mail floating around about fuel economy.  I think
that it would be interesting to do a poll of listers fuel economy.  If
enough of you want to respond, I'll compile the data  Please note fuel
economy, type of driving, and  engine.  Also it is important to note type of
measure; US gallon, imperial gallon, or liter.  Include any special notes.
For example, this is the data for me:

26 mpg  / mixed city-hiway driving / 1500 federal engine / US gallon.  Weber
DGV and standard transmission


Ken St.John
Thirsty '74 Spitfire 1500 "Ginger"

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