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Engine question...

To: "Spitfire (E-mail)" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: Engine question...
From: Ronny Hortlund <ronny.hortlund@allset.se>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 16:02:17 +0200
Thank you all for your informative replies.
Ok, you've made me reconsider, I'll keep the engine and exchange the single
stromberg carb for double SU's.
Richard Gosling:
I do not believe that the exhaust system has been custom made, I do think
that it's original (spitfire that is)
Chris Crisenbery:
Whoops, I didn't think that it would make that much difference. 20 - 30 more
hp that's up to 50% increase.
Thanks for the offer about answering to question, I'll keep that in mind.
Huw Upshall:
And enjoying my car is what do.
Joe Curry:
Thanks for the info.
Actually, it's already in the database, under a different owner.
FC 5008, I've updated via mail on your site, hopefully I filled in correctly
the second time.
/Ronny Hortlund

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