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Re: Engine question...

To: "Davies William-qswi646" <William.M.Davies@motorola.com>,
Subject: Re: Engine question...
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <herald1200@home.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:12:06 -0400
Thanks, Bill-
This is about the best answer I've gotten. Actually, I failed to mention, I
was thinking more on the idea of one of the four cylinder TR series, as
opposed to a six. (Unless they were all sixes, at which point I have to go
recount plugs at the local junkyard!) Oh, and I do have a Mk2 chassis, but
without the Vitesse radiator mountings.


> The Mk2 Herald chassis (post June 62, GA80001 or all GB comm
> numbers) was designed to accomodate the straight six engine from the
> Standard Vanguard, the same engine which in modified form found it's way
> into the TR5 and 6. Indeed, there are several Heralds/Vitesses running in
> the UK with the full TR spec engine. The Vitesse gearbox is stronger than
> the Herald unit, though the unit from the TR or the big saloon would be
> suited to the power - there are problems with getting a straight driveline
> with this box due to chassis clearances, so some cutting of chassis metal
> might well be needed. There are subtle differences to the transmission
> tunnel in the case of the Vitesse. At the back end the diff would
> need to be strengthened, particularly if the early type with the small
> diameter output shafts is fitted. One from a GT6 or later Spitfire would
> stronger, but I know John Kipping/Canley Classics market uprated units -
> I've no idea what's done to them to make them stronger though. Later
> halfshafts are also stronger (post 1964?) though breakage is still common
> seriously uprated cars.
> There are a few difficulties with the bodywork. In the case of the
> 1200 front end, the front grille will need to be moved forward to clear
> (Vitesse) radiator - the other option would be to fit the Vitesse or 13/60
> (not sold in America I realise) front end as this was designed to clear
> 6 cylinder engine. There are also problems with clearances between the
> bulkhead and PI equipment, but I guess that would be unlikely in the US.
> I'm sure there's stuff I've missed out, but that should cover the
> bulk of it. I won't go into braking systems as what can and can't be done
> a whole different thread!
> One final point - it's not even worth thinking about this kind of
> stuff with the Mk1 chassis. Apart from the clearance problems, the chassis
> is not very strong and has problems coping with the power of a 1300
> Cheers,
> Bill.

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