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RE: When it rains, it pours...

To: "'Nolan Penney'" <npenney@mde.state.md.us>, OC@46thFoot.com,
Subject: RE: When it rains, it pours...
From: "Mitchell, Doug (D.B.)" <dmitchel@ford.com>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 06:48:08 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: Nolan Penney [mailto:npenney@mde.state.md.us]
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 6:21 AM
To: OC@46thFoot.com; spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: When it rains, it pours...

>15-40 too thin for summer?  That's a new one on me. The 15 side of the 
>equation is >so think it's usually not recommended for winter. It requires 
>summer heat to be
>easily pumpable on a chilly morning. 40 weight is not exactly heavy oil, but 
>not thin either. Unless you're cooking yourself in Texas heat or something, 
>the 40
>weight side of the spread is quite adeqate.

Huh? The 15 side is specifically for Winter weight. In fact a lot of new cars
are recommending 5W-20 or 5W30 for year round use. I have used Castrol 20W50
in my Spit here in Michigan and when it/we were in the UK, and find that the
pressure keeps up just fine. If you are in Texas or some other warm weather
climate, you can get by with a straight weight, but in general, use a multi-
viscosity oil.

>There are certainly times for a 20-50 weight oil.  But normally most of us 
>really see it.

>From what you wrote, it seems that Carly suddenly started blowing smoke.  If 
>that's >the case, you don't have wear, something broke.  

>Be very carefull sticking additives in the oil.  Many of them are harmfull.

I agree with both of Nolan's points here. If you Carly is blowing blue smoke,
something is wrong. Either a valve or valve guide, or a ring. If you just
had the head gasket replaced, I would first check the valve lash. The
mechanic may have set them too tight and some oil is leaking by them.

If (big if) you are using good quality oil, there is never any reason for
an oil additive. Most of them simply sit in the crankcase or clog up the
oil passages. By good quality oil, I mean name brand, not recycled or
off brand. Stick with something like Castrol or Duckham's Q, and it
is unlikely you'll have a need for additives.

>>> Michael Hargreave Mawson <OC@46thFoot.com> 05/31 1:50 AM >>>

>>Carly's latest trick is blowing pale blue smoke. :-(   I immediately
>>started thinking about piston ring replacement, and honing of cylinder
>>bores, but my mechanic (bless him) has instead suggested thicker oil!
>>For the moment I've stuck in some additive, and will see how we get on,
>>but can anyone confirm or debunk the idea that 15W40 is too thin for
>>summer driving?   The manual seems to suggest that it should be OK,

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