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When it rains, it pours...

To: Spitfires@autox.team.net
Subject: When it rains, it pours...
From: Laura.G@141.com (Laura Gharazeddine)
Date: Wed, 30 May 2001 10:42:19 -0600
Nigel is keeping his Memorial Day tradition of having something break for this 
holiday. In '98 it was the starter motor. I can't remember what it was in 
'99-but I was getting ready to move and he gave me trouble (and then got 
vandalized). '00-that was the summer of the Great Differential Debacle. So, 
true to form Memorial Day 2001 not only am I moving but Nigel is giving me a 
two-fer! (Like a bonus?)

Well, got Nigel halfway to the mechanics this morning to check out his rear end 
click and surprise! The brake went out! I knew the M/C was going to need 
changing soon-just how soon was a mystery. That mystery is now solved, eh? The 
good news? The rear end click is gone! But, it has been agreed that only 3 of 
the 4 u-joints have been changed (I had thought that they'd all been done) and 
so it's trying to tell me "change me! change me!..."

After Maurizio finished telling me what a pile of junk my car is ("It'sa 
alwaysa brreakingg!") he was kind enough to offer me a two on his AAA card. 
(Great-the moving van tomorrow AND a tow truck-can't say I'm not leaving in 

Still, I thank the Goddess that I didn't get a used Nissan or that 10 year old 
Miata back in '98-there's not a part on those cars that doesn't cost less than 
$250 it would seem!

Back to packing and cleaning!

Laura G. ("Well, at least that's only break fluid in my car port! It's clear!") 

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