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RE: Highway driving

To: "'spitfires@autox.team.net'" <spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Highway driving
From: "Graziano, Michael" <michael.graziano@csfb.com>
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 09:26:59 -0400
From: Chuck Pedretti [mailto:chuckp@magenic.com]

The fastest I got going was about 75 MPH.  It seemed
fine as long as the road was smooth.  Any little bump though made it feel
like the car was going to leave the road.  

[mgraziano] - That's part of the fun of an LBC.  The fun of driving at
130mph at only 75mph!!!!!  

The thing that really bothered me on the highway was the size of the car.  I
live in MN, and it seems like 90%
of the vehicles here are fullsized Pickups or Sport Utes.

[mgraziano] - That's anywhere.  At least the spit's bigger than a Midget.
It can be fun throwing around these little cars on a highway, avoiding
tractor trailers, SUV moms, and crappy immigrant mobiles (that's what we
call the '78 chebby Monte Carlo held together with twine being driven by
illegal immigrants with no insurance, or license for that matter).  But the
consequences can be fatal if you get carried away , or just careless.
Welcome to New York.

'78 Midget

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