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Re: Part quality (Spitfire)

To: "Daniel L Parrott" <parrotthead01@home.com>,
Subject: Re: Part quality (Spitfire)
From: "Len & Bonnie Lubbers" <lubbers@sympatico.ca>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 21:12:37 -0700

Are you suggesting putting real wood veneer on metal?  If so, will you not
have trouble with expansion and contraction of the wood?

I make no claims to be a wood working expert, but I would expect this to be
a problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel L Parrott" <parrotthead01@home.com>
> Nah. I plan to use the same veneer that I used on the dash.  Same grain,
> same color.  I plan to strip the old plastic off, glue the veneer down,
> and varnish.
> I'll post pics when done.
> Dan Parrott
> 1980 Spit "PJ"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nolan Penney [mailto:npenney@erols.com]
> Hmm, just run down to WalMart and use that fake  wood graining drawer
> plastic?
> Chris De Wet wrote:
> > Haven't done it myself , but it would look rather nice me thinks .
> > I'm thinking of stripping the door capping off and applying a thin wood
> > veneer to the to door tops , carrying the same dash grain around the
> > cockpit.  As anyone ever done this?

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